"Blue" song, composed by Thomas Gansch and played by Mnozil Brass. This piece is absolutely awesome!
duminică, 31 august 2014
▶ Mnozil Brass - BLUE - YouTube
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 22:26 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 30 august 2014
What Happens When A Professional Pianist Tries A Public Piano
See what happens when one of the world's top piano players went to check out a public piano.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:11 0 comentarii
vineri, 29 august 2014
▶ Mnozil Brass Moldavia - YouTube
Noapte Bună ! Good Night !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 23:25 0 comentarii
David Lynch’s Ice Bucket Challenge video is very Lynchian.
David Lynch is not like other people, and so it’s no surprise that his Ice Bucket Challenge video is not like other people’s either. Make sure you wait to hear his nominee. And if that wasn’t Lynchian enough, here it is backwards:
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 09:01 0 comentarii
marți, 26 august 2014
Robert Glasper, Lalah Hathaway en het Metropole Orkest - Jesus children of Marica - YouTube
North Sea Jazz 2014 © Mojo Concerts BV & NTR
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:50 0 comentarii
The future of new music is at risk if we continue to undervalue composers | Culture professionals network | Guardian Professional
Composers either need private or other sources of income – usually teaching, performing or conducting, all of which require a whole new set of skills, training, time and energy. It takes heroic commitment to become a composer if you’re from a working class background, with higher education courses charging fees in the thousands of pounds and remuneration for your compositions so low.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 09:38 0 comentarii
luni, 25 august 2014
The Umbilical Brothers: Feeling Good - YouTube
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:00 0 comentarii
duminică, 24 august 2014
O lecţie de compoziţie | No. 14 plus minus
Moto: Port în mine un vis permanent: simt, zi şi noapte, în inima mea, un freamăt neîntrerupt. George Enescu (19 august 1881 - 4 mai 1955) Sfaturile în materie de compoziţie de la marii muzicieni sunt întotdeauna preţioase. Cu atât mai mult cu cât acestea vin din partea lui George Enescu! Câteva gânduri spicuite…
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:35 0 comentarii
I read two of them already :)
Essential books that bridge music, emotion and cognition, peeling away at that tender intersection of where your brain ends and your soul begins.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 11:11 0 comentarii
▶ jimi hendrix - purple haze (live In woodstock)(1969) - YouTube
Good morning !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:32 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 23 august 2014
Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months of...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 21:30 0 comentarii
How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins - YouTube
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-playing-an-instrument-benefits-your-brain-anita-collins When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brai...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:51 0 comentarii
Man who invented pop-ups ads: 'I'm sorry' - News - Gadgets and Tech - The Independent
At least he had the decency....
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:13 0 comentarii
vineri, 22 august 2014
How Boston Police Used Facial Recognition Technology to Spy on Thousands of Music Festival Attendees | NOISEY
Your good times are being watched.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:50 0 comentarii
How music can make us feel powerful - Medical News Today
Music can give us a sense of power, particularly if it has high levels of bass, according to a new study by researchers at Northwestern University.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:58 0 comentarii
joi, 21 august 2014
Dramatic Tornadoes of Light Photographed by Martin Kimbell | Colossal
Martin Kimbell is a photographer from England who utilizes LEDs and long exposure techniques to create airborne light forms that seem like trails of otherworldy spacecraft. My initial assumption was that Kimbell used some form of small drone with attached lights, similar to Andreas Fe
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 22:11 0 comentarii
Imaginative Industrial Flying Machines Made From Cardboard by Daniel Agdag | Colossal
If you want to create detailed and imaginative flying machine sculptures that look like they’re about to take flight, cardboard is hardly the material to use. Unless of course you’re artist Daniel Agdag (previously), who has been toiling away creating a series of new works ea
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:13 0 comentarii
miercuri, 20 august 2014
We Thought We Had Seen Everything In Freediving on Vimeo
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 23:06 0 comentarii
Site-Specific Street Art by JPS | Colossal
Here's few fun pieces by UK street artist JPS who creates small and lage-scale stencil works, paintings, and installations in urban areas. While most of his work seems greatly influenced by pop culture icons, horror movie characters, and comic book heroes, I tend to enjoy these on
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 11:00 0 comentarii
marți, 19 august 2014
Tribocycle on Vimeo
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:36 0 comentarii
Evolution and Improvisation on Vimeo
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:34 0 comentarii
luni, 18 august 2014
Cosmic Flower Unfolding: An Abstract Metaphysical Animation by Ben Ridgway | Colossal
Animator Ben Ridgway creates abstract animations that explore organic and metaphysical imagery, relating to aspects of life and interconnectedness. His latest film, Cosmic Flower Unfolding, recently won several awards and has been touring film festivals around the world since late last year. He sh
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:31 0 comentarii
First-ever human head transplant is now possible, says neuroscientist – Quartz
Technical barriers to grafting one person's head onto another person's body can now be overcome, says Dr. Sergio Canavero, a member of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group. In a recent paper, Canavero outlines a procedure modeled on successful head transplants which have been carried out in animals since 1970. The one problem with these transplants...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:12 0 comentarii
duminică, 17 august 2014
The Half-Century-Long Renovation of Rundale Palace, the Versailles of Latvia
Restoring the 54-room, 18th-century manse to its former glory has been one man’s life-long labor of love.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:15 0 comentarii
What We See When We Read by Peter Mendelsund: A phenomenology of reading by a renowned book cover designer.
As associate art director of Alfred A. Knopf Books, Peter Mendelsund has designed hundreds of book jackets over the past decade, including his acclaimed cover for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and jackets for the works of classic authors such as James Joyce, Franz Kafka, and Simone de Beauvoir....
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 12:11 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 16 august 2014
The Abandoned and Haunted Mansfield Training School – Abandoned Playgrounds
The Mansfield Training School and Hospital (commonly referred to as the Knight Hospital) is on and around Walters Avenue, Depot Campus of the University ...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:10 0 comentarii
The Forgotten Ruins of the Flagship Hotel in Galveston – Abandoned Playgrounds
The formerly magnificent but now demolished USS Flagship Hotel was on what is now the Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier off of Seawall Boulevard, ...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 07:08 0 comentarii
vineri, 15 august 2014
Ciudad Perdida The Lost City of the Sierra Nevada – Abandoned Playgrounds
The Lost City, Terrazas Ciudad Pérdida, is also known as Buritaca and Teyuna. The Lost City Terraces are located in the midst of the Sierra Nevada ...
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 20:06 0 comentarii
Richard Oschanitzky - Blue Brasil - YouTube
Wonderful romanian jazz !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:39 0 comentarii
joi, 14 august 2014
miercuri, 13 august 2014
11 Questionable Moments in Band Punctuation -- Vulture
Funny stuff !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:27 0 comentarii
marți, 12 august 2014
Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico | Colossal
Artist Isaac Cordal (previously) is well-known for his creation and placement of miniature cement figures in public places around the world as part of an ongoing series called Cement Eclipses. While the meaning behind each tiny sculpture is intentionally ambiguous, it's impossible to l
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 17:39 0 comentarii
Robin Williams - IMDb
A sad news. Rest in peace, Robin Williams !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 09:28 0 comentarii
luni, 11 august 2014
▶ Triple concerto for faucet, water pipes and fiddle... - YouTube
how nice !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:35 0 comentarii
New Stained Glass Windows Made from Stacked Laser-Cut Paper by Eric Standley | Colossal
Either/Or Newmarch. Cut paper, 20"x20", 2014. Either/Or Newmarch, detail. Cut paper, 20"x20", 2014. Either/Or Newmarch, detail. Cut paper, 20"x20", 2014. Zeno of Elea. Cut paper, 20"x20", 2013. Zeno of Elea, detail. Cut paper, 20"x20", 2013. Zen
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:31 0 comentarii
duminică, 10 august 2014
Wait for the Bus inside a Giant Typographic Sculpture in Baltimore | Colossal
Residents of a neighborhood in Baltimore now have the most obvious place to wait for a bus ever designed. The ingenious stop is comprised of three 14' typographic sculptures that literally spell out the word "BUS" while functioning as benches and a novel leisure space. The
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:29 0 comentarii
MIT Develops a Phone Screen That Corrects Poor Vision | Design | WIRED
Researchers from MIT and Berkeley have created a prototype of a new display technology that can automatically correct for vision issues.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:26 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 9 august 2014
The Beautiful Junkyard Where Bolivia’s Trains Were Left to Rot | Autopia | WIRED
Abandoned decades ago, dozens of trains are slowly rusting to nothingness on the outskirts of the Bolivian desert.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:22 0 comentarii
3D Sculptural Paintings by Shintaro Ohata | Colossal
Japanese artist Shintaro Ohata (previously) currently has two new sculptural paintings on view at Mizuma Gallery in Singapore. Ohata places vibrantly painted figurative sculptures in the foreground of similarly styled paintings that when viewed directly appear to be a single artwork.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:18 0 comentarii
vineri, 8 august 2014
Margaret Gould Stewart: How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too) | Talk Video | TED.com
Facebook’s “like” and “share” buttons are seen 22 billion times a day, making them some of the most-viewed design elements ever created. Margaret Gould Stewart, Facebook’s director of product design, outlines three rules for design at such a massive scale—one so big that the tiniest of tweaks can cause global outrage, but also so large that the subtlest of improvements can positively impact the lives of many.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:00 0 comentarii
joi, 7 august 2014
What Do Great Musicians Have in Common? DNA - Scientific American
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 08:06 0 comentarii
duminică, 3 august 2014
Smart Homes Could Benefit from Internet Connected Sensors That Power Themselves from Wi-Fi, TV, and Cellular Signals | MIT Technology Review
WHAT ?!?!
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 09:27 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 2 august 2014
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 19:20 0 comentarii
vineri, 1 august 2014
▶ Dobrogean by Uncle Clatterbox
Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 21:06 0 comentarii
Dumnezeu sa-l ierte !
Celebrul cascador Szobi Cseh a murit, azi dimineaţă, la Institutul Clinic Fundeni, fiind diagnosticat cu mielom multiplu. A fost cel mai prolific şi cel mai cunoscut cascador al cinematografiei române, cu peste 150 de filme la activ, de la Dacii lui Sergiu Nicolaescu, debutul său, până la Amen de Costa-Gavras. El a fost cel care a înființat prima școală de cascadori din România. Fostul cascador a vea 71 de ani.
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 18:00 0 comentarii
Carrot clarinet: Linsey Pollak at TEDxSydney 2014 - YouTube
A-mazing !
Publicat de Adrian Mihai la 10:10 0 comentarii